Nonimmigrant Intra Company Transfer (L Visa)
Some visas, like the intracompany transfer visa, are non-immigrant visas that provide flexibility to the employer. For example, the L-Visa provides flexibility to multinational corporations who have operations in the United States. The L-1 Visa includes the following two categories:
L-1A, Manager or Executive; and,
L-1B, Intracompany Transferee for employees with specialized knowledge.
The L-Visa affords foreign nationals the ability to transfer to a U.S. office, subsidiary or affiliated company.
L-2 Visa for Spouses and Children of Transferees
If you are eligible for an L-1A or an L-1B, and you are married with unmarried children under the age of 21, your spouse and child(ren) may be eligible for L-2 status. Those eligible for L-2 status may join an intracompany transfer in the United States. Spouses and children of L-1 transfers are eligible to attend school or college, and are eligible to perform work in the United States, provided they have the appropriate employment authorization from USCIS.
If you are interested in finding out more about L-1 visas and would like to know more about USCIS processing times regarding L-1 visas, please do not hesitate to contact our office to schedule a consultation with an experienced Sethi Law Group Attorney! You can schedule an appointment easily and quickly by calling (714) 921-5226